
Úvod » Semináre » CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform training session series

CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform training session series

Tento seminár už síce nestihnete, ale pokiaľ máte záujem o podobný, dajte nám vedieť!
Kedy: 18. 6. – 25. 6. 2024, 14:00 – 11:05
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrácia

Zaregistrujte sa na krátke webináre. Príďte na tie, ktoré sú pre vás užitočné:

  • 18. 6., 14:00 – 14:35 Introduction to Bibliographic se­arch
  • 19. 6., 10:30 – 11:05 Searching for substances
  • 20. 6., 10:30 – 11:05 Searching for reactions and Retrosynthetic analysis
  • 25. 6., 10:30 – 11:05 Searching for analytical methods and formulations

Program jednotlivých seminárov viď dole. Školiť bude Dr. Tetiana Khristova z CAS, súčasti ACS International.

Nevyhovuje vám čas? Zaregistrujte sa aj tak, následne vám pošleme záznamy z webinárov. Máte otázky k službe SciFinder alebo chcete dohodnúť webinár na inú tému? Napíšte Lucii Poledníkovej.

We would like to invite you to series of training sessions dedicated to different capabilities of CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform. Each session will be 30 mins long plus 5 mins Q&A. You can select only the sessions that you would like to participate.

Session 1: Introduction to Bibliographic search

  • Natural language search
  • CAS concepts and how to use them
  • Advanced reference search using the Boolean operators
  • Advanced reference search combining keywords and the structure

Session 2: Searching for substances

  • Substance name search
  • Exact and Substructure searches using the structure editor
  • Substance search by Advanced search fields (properties)
  • New life science content: SAR, Toxicity & ADME

Session 3: Searching for reactions and Retrosynthetic analysis

  • Reaction search using keywords
  • Reaction search using the structure editor: Suzuki coupling reaction
  • Retrosynthetic analysis in SciFinder

Session 4: Searching for analytical methods and formulations

  • Searching for analytical methods in SciFinder and CAS Analytical Methods
  • Advanced search for analytical methods
  • Searching for formulations in SciFinder and CAS Formulus
  • Formulation designer