Aktuálne analýzy a štúdie od World Bank: rozvojové štúdie
7. 5. 2016 - World Bank Group
World Bank zverejnila nové publikácie v edíciách:
- Policy Research Working Papers
- Directions in Development vrátane Poverty and Inequality, Countries and Regions, Human Development a Energy and Mining
- World Bank Studies
- World Development Indicators
- Disease Control Priorities
Výber z ďalších sérií:
- Lessons Learned from Poverty Mapping in the European Union
- Earth Observation for Water Resources Management: Current Use and Future Opportunities for the Water Sector
- Private Sector Provision of Water Supply and Sanitation in Rural Areas and Small Towns: The Role of the Public Sector – Guidance Note. March 2016
- Delivering Universal and Sustainable Water Services: Partnering with the Private Sector – Guidance Note. March 2016
- World Bank Group Forest Action Plan FY16–20: Overview
- Impact of European Union Membership on Agriculture and Rural Development in Newly Acceded Member States: Drawing Lessons for Serbia
- New Opportunities and Old Constraints: The Context for Agriculture Sector Development in Serbia
Pokiaľ vaša organizácia má predplatné k World Bank eLibrary, automaticky získavate prístup ku všetkým novým aj aktualizovaným publikáciám.
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Píšte a volajte, Miriam Suchoňová má odpovede na všetky vaše otázky.
Kontaktujte nás
Albertina icome Bratislava, s.r.o., Cukrová 14, 813 39 Bratislava 1
tel.: 02-529 324 50
e-mail: aib@aib.sk
Albertina icome Bratislava, s.r.o., Cukrová 14, 813 39 Bratislava 1
tel.: 02-529 324 50
e-mail: aib@aib.sk