Časopisy Oxford University Press v roku 2017
14. 9. 2016 - Oxford University Press
V časopiseckých kolekciách sprístupní v 2017 Oxford University Press 324 časopisov. Pribudne 19 časopisov od The Linnean Society, Chatham House, The Endocrine Society, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Associated Professional Sleep Societies a ďalších. Časopisy vedeckých spoločností a akademických organizácií tvoria 70 % portfólia OUP. Bez zmeny oproti roku 2016 je The Humanities Collection so 74 titulmi, v ostatných kolekciách pribudnú nové časopisy:
- The Medicine Collection – 104 titulov vrátane nových časopisov Diseases of the Esophagus, Endocrine Reviews, Endocrinology, European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, European Heart Journal – Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Neurosurgery, Operative Neurosurgery, Physical Therapy a SLEEP.
- The Mathematics & Physical Sciences Collection – 35 titulov vrátane nových International Journal of Law and Information Technology, Research Evaluation a Science and Public Policy.
- The Social Sciences Collection – 70 titulov, z toho nové International Affairs a Journal of European Economic Association.
- The Life Sciences Collection – 70 titulov, z toho nové Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Biology of Reproduction, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, Endocrine Reviews, Endocrinology, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Research Evaluation a Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.
- The Law Collection – 43 titulov, z toho nové American Journal of Comparative Law a American Journal of Legal History.
K Wiley odídu časopisy Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Journal of the London Mathematical Society a Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. Ku Cambridge University Press odchádza Political Analysis. Úplne prestane vychádzať Arbitration Law Reports and Review. Zo Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN) sa stane plne open access časopis. Pokiaľ chcete prístup k týmto titulom, dajte nám vedieť.
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