World Bank vydala EU Regular Economic Report 4 a ďalšie štúdie
4. 4. 2018 - World Bank Group
World Bank zverejnila počas prvého štvrťroku 2018 The State of Social Safety Nets 2018, viaceré výskumné štúdie a analýzy v edícii Policy Research Working Papers, ďalej v sériách:
- Directions in Development – Environment and Sustainable Development
- Directions in Development – Human Development
- Directions in Development – Infrastructure
- Other Health Study
- Other Poverty Study
- Economic Updates and Modeling s EU Regular Economic Report 4: Thinking CAP – Supporting Agricultural Jobs and Incomes in the EU
- Policy Notes
- Other Social Protection Study so štúdiou Growing United: Upgrading Europe's Convergence Machine
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tel.: 02-529 324 50