
Úvod » Semináre » Publishing Open Access in Cambridge Journals

Publishing Open Access in Cambridge Journals

Tento seminár už síce nestihnete, ale pokiaľ máte záujem o podobný, dajte nám vedieť!
Kedy: 28. 10. 2021, 20:00 – 21:00
Kde: online prostredníctvom služby Zoom
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrácia

Zaregistrujte sa na webinár.

Webinár bude v angličtine online priamo vo vašom internetovom prehliadači a na prenos zvuku stačí, aby ste mali k počítaču pripojené reproduktory alebo sluchadlá.

Nevyhovuje vám čas konania? Zaregistrujte sa, vydavateľstvo vám pošle nahrávku.


Open Access (OA) was once a disruptive new approach promoted by a few passionate advocates who believed that access to and ability to reuse research was fundamental to accelerating knowledge. Today, more and more researchers are choosing to publish their research OA as interest, understanding and awareness of this mode of scholarly communication continues to grow.

Join our Editorial Team as they guide you through the basics of OA, highlight key benefits, and present evidence of the increased impact of choosing this option.

Alongside this, Professor William Vencill and Dr. Gonzalo Bearman, will share their experiences with OA and the impact it has had on their careers.

We will also explore funding pathways to publishing OA, including how to benefit from publishing agreements with your institution.

The session will last one hour, including a Q&A with the panel. If you can't attend, please do register as you will be sent a recording after the event.

Užitočné odkazy pre autorov:

  • Pozrite sa, či vaša inštitúcia využíva zmluvu Read and Publish na prístup do časopisov Cambridge University Press a na publikovanie článkov v otvorenom režime: v Česku a na Slovensku.
  • Prečítajte si návod, ako publikovať v časopisoch Cambridge University Press v režime open access.