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Semináre a školenia

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Vyberte si z ponuky seminárov:

Online Oxford Music Online

Kedy: 30. 8. 2024, 11:00 – 12:00
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrácia

Zvoľte si termín a zaregistrujte sa na webinár:

This webinar will focus on Oxford Music Online – the authoritative resource for music research with over 52,000 articles written by nearly 9,000 scholars charting the diverse history and cultures of music around the globe, and the gateway to Grove Music Online, with access to search The Oxford Dictionary of Music and The Oxford Companion to Music

Webinár je v angličtine online priamo vo vašom internetovom prehliadači a na prenos zvuku stačí, aby ste mali k počítaču pripojené reproduktory alebo slúchadlá.

Nevyhovuje vám čas seminára? Dohodnite si seminár u vás alebo online v slovenčine a češtine alebo si vypýtajte materiály.

O Oxford Music Online

Online RefWorks for beginners: How to get started

Kedy: 4. 9. 2024, 11:00 – 11:45
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrace

Zaregistrujte se na webinář.

Webinář pro nové uživatele citační služby RefWorks.

Webinář je v angličtině online přímo ve vašem internetovém prohlížeči a pro přenos zvuku stačí, abyste měli k počítači připojeny reproduktory nebo sluchátka.

Mohlo by se hodit:

Online Learn how to use SciFlow Authoring: Make academic writing effortless and save time with automatic formatting

Kedy: 5. 9. 2024, 14:00 – 15:00
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrácia

Vyberte si termín a zaregistrujte sa:

  • 23. 5. / 4. 7. / 5. 9. / 24. 10. / 10. 12.

Príprava odborných článkov alebo vysokoškolských záverečných prác na publikovanie v tlačenej alebo elektronickej podobe je časovo náročná práca a výsledné dielo je nutné prispôsobiť požiadavkám na formátovanie. Online softvér na písanie a publikovanie SciFlow je navrhnutý tak, aby uľahčil písanie odborných textov. Umožňuje:

  • Automatizované formátovanie: Ručné formátovanie je minulosťou. SciFlow automatizuje formátovanie textu podľa pokynov vydavateľstva alebo inštitúcie.
  • Jednoduchá správa referencií: Importujte referencie z nástroja na správu citácií do SciFlow a umiestnite odkaz pretiahnutím na požadované miesto v texte.
  • Bezproblémová online spolupráca: Spolupracujte v reálnom čase na jednej centralizovanej platforme. Nie je nutná žiadna inštalácia.

SciFlow pomáha zefektívniť pracovný postup pri písaní. Službu využívajú vedci a študenti z vyše 100 inštitúcií vrátane napr. Spoločnosti Maxe Plancka a Univerzity v Bernu.

Webinár bude venovaný témam:

  • An introduction to SciFlow and its writing process.
  • Understanding templates and how to use them to benefit from automated formatting.
  • Leveraging collaborative features for effective teamwork.
  • An interactive Q&A session to address your questions.

Webinár bude v angličtine.


Join us for an informative webinar exploring how SciFlow, the online writing and publishing software, makes your academic writing process more manageable, saving time and simplifying complex formatting tasks.

  • Effortless automatic formatting according to guidelinesAcademic writing often involves meticulous reference formatting, a time-consuming task. SciFlow eliminates this hassle. Just connect SciFlow to your favorite reference management program, insert your references, and let SciFlow handle the formatting seamlessly.
  • Access a Wealth of Publisher Templates SciFlow offers a user-friendly journal database, granting access to thousands of templates from publishers such as Elsevier, Wiley, IEEE, Springer Nature, and more. Starting your writing journey is easier with readily available templates. If you need a specific template, we're here to help upon request.
  • Seamless Collaboration for Research Teams Collaboration is at the heart of successful academic research. SciFlow simplifies this process by providing a platform for users everywhere to work together. With features like Change Tracking, comments, and version history, you can collaborate effortlessly, ensuring your research and writing projects progress smoothly.
  • Learn how to start writing with SciFlow in this webinar

In this webinar, we will cover the following topics:

  • An introduction to SciFlow and its writing process.
  • Understanding templates and how to use them to benefit from automated formatting.
  • Leveraging collaborative features for effective teamwork.
  • An interactive Q&A session to address your questions.

Choose your date below. We will send out the webinar recording afterward.

Copenhagen IGeLU 2024 Digital Conference and Developers' Day

Kedy: 9. 9. – 12. 9. 2024, 10:00 – 16:00
Vložné: viz web akce

Letošní setkání uživatelů Ex Libris proběhne v Dánsku – IGeLU 2024.

K dispozici je program.

Během konference zazní mimo jiné příspěvky zaměřené na Summon, 360 Link, Primo, a další produkty Ex Libris.

Online RefWorks basic functionalities – create and manage your database of references

Kedy: 11. 9. 2024, 11:00 – 11:45
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrace

Zaregistrujte se na webinář.

Webinář pro mírně pokročilé uživatele citační služby RefWorks.

At the end of the session, you will be able to:

  • Add (drag and drop, import, manual add, direct export) references,
  • Create and share folders or projects,
  • Remove deduplicates and backup your project.

Webinář je v angličtině online přímo ve vašem internetovém prohlížeči a pro přenos zvuku stačí, abyste měli k počítači připojeny reproduktory nebo sluchátka.

Mohlo by se hodit:

Online Create bibliographies and citations on your paper with RefWorks

Kedy: 18. 9. 2024, 11:00 – 11:45
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrace

Zaregistrujte se na webinář.

Webinář pro uživatele citační služby RefWorks. Podrobněji představí úpravu citačních stylů a možnosti vkládání citací a vytvoření bibliografie v MS Word a v Google Docs.

At the end of the session, you will be able to:

  • Create bibliographies in MS Word or in Google Docs
  • Customize citation styles

Webinář je v angličtině online přímo ve vašem internetovém prohlížeči a pro přenos zvuku stačí, abyste měli k počítači připojeny reproduktory nebo sluchátka.

Mohlo by se hodit:

Online Learn how to use SciFlow Publish: From importing a document to refining your publication

Kedy: 26. 9. 2024, 14:00 – 15:00
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrácia

Vyberte si termín a zaregistrujte sa na webinár v angličtine:
26. 9. / 7. 11.

K dispozícii sú aj webové webináre v nemčine.


Join us for a webinar designed to get you started with SciFlow Publish. Whether you're an editor or an author, this tutorial will equip you with the knowledge you need to make the most of SciFlow Publish.

In this webinar, we will provide a step-by-step walkthrough of SciFlow Publish, covering the following topics:

  • Importing your document: Learn how to import your existing Word documents into SciFlow Publish. We take a look at formatting requirements and what to look out for.
  • Editing and formatting: Discover how to utilize SciFlow Publish's editing and formatting tools to refine your document.
  • Collaboration and review: Explore collaborative features that facilitate seamless teamwork. Whether you're working with co-authors, editors, or reviewers, SciFlow Publish ensures efficient collaboration.
  • Exporting your final document: Get insights into exporting your document in various formats, ensuring a good digital readability and distribution. Understand how SciFlow’s template does the formatting for you.
  • Q&A session

Throughout the webinar, we'll share valuable tips and tricks to boost your productivity while using SciFlow Publish effectively.

Online Strengthening the Bond Between Academic Libraries and Faculty

Kedy: 9. 10. 2024, 18:00 – 19:00
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrácia

Zaregistrujte sa na webinár.

  • Všetkým zaregistrovaným následne organizátor Henry Stewart Talks pošle odkaz na záznam webinára.


The relationship between academic libraries and faculty directly impacts both the quality of academic teaching and research and the support students receive. Open, efficient, and responsive communication channels are important in ensuring the partnership works well.

This complimentary roundtable discussion will explore key aspects of this evolving relationship, including practices that ensure successful collaboration.

Focus areas will include:

  • Aligning with the needs of faculty, students, and administrators: best practices for understanding and meeting the unique requirements of all members of the academic community.
  • Informed decision-making: collaborative and evidenced-based approaches to renewals and new resource acquisitions – across all media.
  • Prioritising: the vexed question of budgets; set by whom and covering what? How institutions can navigate conflicting demands for resources.
  • Addressing the changes ‘digital/distan­ce/online’ has brought, is bringing, and will bring.